Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Post 9: Year 2014: Good and Bad Points

Is true, we are approaching to the last part of this year and it's about time to make a sort of evaluation of 2014. This year has been full of mad things!. I can separate the aspects of life, for example, in work aspect, loving aspect, familiar aspect, etc.
About work aspect, in this year are have presented me some little opportunities and I try to take them. This year has been a really time to hard work and show my skills. Nobody says it was easy but from any point of view has been positive.
In relation to familiar aspect, we suffer a parting. It was necessary. The first half-year was horrible. A lot of problems. Thanks god that today everything has decanted and the family environments is quieter.
In a loving aspect, has been a whirlwind, many sorrows and few glories. I hope that this end in the last part of this year. I wish that in future everything is much clearer.
My friend aspect everything has been wonderful. They they care me in difficult times and give me moral support and advice.
I feel  that I have done what I expected to do. Always, although I take the hard way, I will follow my heart. This year I have been true with myself.
Nevertheless I'm happy for my small achievements. In this last part of the year I egress my career and I will start to search one job.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Post 8: Facebook

Hi, I will talk about the use of Facebook. I am a moderate user of Facebook. I really use Facebook to contact my friends, organize events and as a platform for my odd jobs. Sometimes my friends upload pictures with me and so I appear in these.

Well I prefer not use so much the Facebook because I don't like lose my privacy.
The bright side is, you can use a Facebook as a tool for contact friends, service, finds jobs, etc. The downside is you can lose your privacy, many company can follow you and to see all your content or you stay exposed to psychopath this is a complicated issue when the psychos follow to children!.

For another hand, now Facebook have a face detection, It can tag you of your pics, this is a little perturbing…
Other thing that perturbing me is the selfies!!! God, very vain people the fills my news of Facebook with their selfies!! Is horrible: selfies in the bathroom, selfies in the breakfast, food selfies!! Lots of crazy people! I like the pictures but other kinds of pictures. I dont like the selfies, is fool.
Another thing that I hate is the system of Facebook of put autoplay to the videos. Many people put videos about wars and thath is horrible. That system is very invasive, thaks god that I can block it.

Well, anyway I prefer to meet with my friends that stay front a pc using Facebook.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Post 7: How green are you?

Hi! Today I will talk about practices in “thinking Green”. Well, in my opinión, and following my idea in post 6, I think that during the pre-school and school education green thinking should be strengthened, but this does not happen. So, green conscience must be searched by every person and really, most people are not interested in it.
Some few ones that are interested, are searching for new ways or any ways for implementing green thinking in our every day life. For example, my family and I have the fortune of living in a commune that recycles. We have been recycling for  10 years, approximately. We recycle glasses, plastic, cartons, paper, tins, cardboard, etc. Sometimes, I tried to make humus but my worms died because I couldn’t feed them because my baby was born and I just took care of her and I forgot my worms. Sad story…
Well in my sondary school I founded the “environmental commission” it was a group of students worried for the environment; we trained our classmates, we were volunteers of beach cleaning, recycled, organised green festivals, rehabilitated animals, etc. But few people were interested. In practice It was very difficult to teach  our classmates just to recycle… (considering it was a landmark school). So, I understood that It is very important to take action since pre-school . After that, It is really very difficult.

Well, now I will participate in a group of urban orchards, It is a pilot project. Well, I dont use a bike because I dont have one but I really like it. In the mean time, I am trying to take many people in my car.

Good news!!:
Convenio de colaboración para incorporar temas de educación ambiental desde los jardines infantiles

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Post 6: Trash Management

Hi! Today I will talk about Trash Management. I think that trash management is necessary for our civilization because we produce tons daily and if we don’t take action someday we will live on that. I know several forms of trash management divide in two big grups: Recycling of organic matter and recycling of inorganic matter. The first includes the production of organic manure (compost and humus) with organic residues for example the trash of animal and vegetal origin, including dairy. The second group includes the recycling of glasses, plastic, cartons, papers, tins, tetra pack, etc.

The way to implement the trash management is to make a awareness campaign nationwide, always looking to promote good practice and create pockets of development in the community. For example, the commune is the unit is the basic structural and functional unit of the civil society and a good way of starting educating on the trash management and the separation of residues from the homes, would be to begin for the comunes. In Chile this have developed for some comunes as La Pintana.

In Chile the awareness campaign must beging in the school as a lesson mandatory, thus the implemento of trash management to comunity will be easier.

Nevertheless, much is absent for this since the quality of education is very low. Probably in a future intelligent reform of the education the ecological conscience is included.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Post 5: Future job

Today i will talk about my future job. Well when I decided to study agricultural engineering I thought that I wanted something related to ecological management so I thought in natural resources or agricultural engineering. Then I got into Agriculture engineering and when I begin the career I believed that a wanted to job in the future in a laboratory. But then, I worked in, as volunteer, in a laboratory of INIA and I hated to work indoor. It was horrible!
So I decided searching for a new direction and I searched incessantly my vocation. It was very difficult because in some areas of agriculture exist the corporate thinking where the production is intensive and the mentality is to get a lot of yields thus to get a lot of money. But, I have a sense of welfare and I in every moment think contribute to society, to help to smallholders, to work with low resources and to do with that something incredible. So, my intention in my future job is to can to help to the smallholders or to teach environmental awareness in schools or municipal workshops or to have my own business that promotes self-cultivation in the city.

I know that maybe I will not win a great salary but I would be happy with that.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Post 4 : Genetic Modified Organisms

Well, I will talking about of genetic modified organisms. As brief introduction, all organisms are develop continually according to environmental stimuli, this is called adaptation. For adaptation happen, within each organisms occur changes in the DNA but, this naturally is very low. Thus, the organisms had can survive an any conditions.

However, in the last time this changes have been very fast because of global warming, and many organisms, as plants and animals, have not been adapted at the same rhythym, and they can not survive. The same occur with the crops can not to adapt and its efficient use of resources is low, too.

In the history, the transgenics born as famine in the world (India), so a scientis breeded some grians crops and he got to increase the yields of this crops whit the breeded. This scientis is called Borlaug and himself considered that the creating transgenic as a natural extension of their work in the green revolution must be continued.

Agricultural biotechnology is essential in developing nations, this biotechnology can double or triple the product yields, herbicid-resistent, drought resistant, cold resistent, or allow to incorporat any other gene. This is some advantages of transgenics, whichever organisms can be genetic modified organisms for this times is very useful.

I leve you a link the others positives things of transgenics: http://www.actionbioscience.org/esp/biotecnologia/borlaug.html

Disadvantages are GM crops pose increasing the use of toxic chemicals in agriculture. Such products may not only affect the transgene product, but also seriously affect traditional varieties, destroying them and causing irreversible loss to biodiversity. We have known many cases where farmers are forced by law to cultivate GMO seeds only and, therefore, has been losing traditional seed. Also, is says that increase the rate of allergies.

Personally, I think that breeding is necesary because the must have food for all and the crops no modified can not to response at the demand global but must exists ecological management of this crops.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Concert ever

This time, I talk about the last concert that I attended. It was Kevin Johansen with Linniers and The Nada. It was august 13 a Wednesday. It was a very interesting and novel staging that I will explaing below.

In a trip in my holidays, someone recommended me Kevin as a nice music that I should listen during my travels the one place and another place. So, I listened to his disc called “Sur o no sur” and I loved it. Is the kind of music that makes me feel relaxed, entertained and listened to the lyrics because, it is very funny.
The style is a kind of fusion music with rhythms latin, since altiplanic, cumbia, blues, jazz, funk, tango, milonga rhythms, a fusion very contemporary in a perfect mixture.

Well, Kevin is argentin but he lived a lot of time in USA, “The Nada” is the name of his band and “Liniers” is an artist specialized in carttons. Liniers makes a cartoon for each song, according to lyric, and then he gives to public the cartton. They together offers a very nice show, with a style of coffee concert. Is realy nice I recommend.
The atmosphere of concert is very family, in some song the people can dance and take the stage with Kevin and dance with his.

I remember that the guy sitting next to me marriage requested to his girlfriend! And he up to the stage and sang “Anoche soñé contigo” with Kevin. Too romantic!