Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Post 7: How green are you?

Hi! Today I will talk about practices in “thinking Green”. Well, in my opinión, and following my idea in post 6, I think that during the pre-school and school education green thinking should be strengthened, but this does not happen. So, green conscience must be searched by every person and really, most people are not interested in it.
Some few ones that are interested, are searching for new ways or any ways for implementing green thinking in our every day life. For example, my family and I have the fortune of living in a commune that recycles. We have been recycling for  10 years, approximately. We recycle glasses, plastic, cartons, paper, tins, cardboard, etc. Sometimes, I tried to make humus but my worms died because I couldn’t feed them because my baby was born and I just took care of her and I forgot my worms. Sad story…
Well in my sondary school I founded the “environmental commission” it was a group of students worried for the environment; we trained our classmates, we were volunteers of beach cleaning, recycled, organised green festivals, rehabilitated animals, etc. But few people were interested. In practice It was very difficult to teach  our classmates just to recycle… (considering it was a landmark school). So, I understood that It is very important to take action since pre-school . After that, It is really very difficult.

Well, now I will participate in a group of urban orchards, It is a pilot project. Well, I dont use a bike because I dont have one but I really like it. In the mean time, I am trying to take many people in my car.

Good news!!:
Convenio de colaboración para incorporar temas de educación ambiental desde los jardines infantiles

1 comment:

  1. I think that starting by recycling is the best thing! and if you´re in some environmental groups, that´s better.
