Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Post 6: Trash Management

Hi! Today I will talk about Trash Management. I think that trash management is necessary for our civilization because we produce tons daily and if we don’t take action someday we will live on that. I know several forms of trash management divide in two big grups: Recycling of organic matter and recycling of inorganic matter. The first includes the production of organic manure (compost and humus) with organic residues for example the trash of animal and vegetal origin, including dairy. The second group includes the recycling of glasses, plastic, cartons, papers, tins, tetra pack, etc.

The way to implement the trash management is to make a awareness campaign nationwide, always looking to promote good practice and create pockets of development in the community. For example, the commune is the unit is the basic structural and functional unit of the civil society and a good way of starting educating on the trash management and the separation of residues from the homes, would be to begin for the comunes. In Chile this have developed for some comunes as La Pintana.

In Chile the awareness campaign must beging in the school as a lesson mandatory, thus the implemento of trash management to comunity will be easier.

Nevertheless, much is absent for this since the quality of education is very low. Probably in a future intelligent reform of the education the ecological conscience is included.


  1. As you Vale I hope that the new educational reform includes some ecological conscience as one of their influential topics. Kisses :)

  2. I also think that is really important to teach people ecological issues in school, The school should put recycle trash cans, that can help a lot and will be the first step to teach student.

  3. You're right Vale, Education is everything!

  4. Very interesting Vale, and I hope too that in a future the education in schools included ecological conscience.
