Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Post 9: Year 2014: Good and Bad Points

Is true, we are approaching to the last part of this year and it's about time to make a sort of evaluation of 2014. This year has been full of mad things!. I can separate the aspects of life, for example, in work aspect, loving aspect, familiar aspect, etc.
About work aspect, in this year are have presented me some little opportunities and I try to take them. This year has been a really time to hard work and show my skills. Nobody says it was easy but from any point of view has been positive.
In relation to familiar aspect, we suffer a parting. It was necessary. The first half-year was horrible. A lot of problems. Thanks god that today everything has decanted and the family environments is quieter.
In a loving aspect, has been a whirlwind, many sorrows and few glories. I hope that this end in the last part of this year. I wish that in future everything is much clearer.
My friend aspect everything has been wonderful. They they care me in difficult times and give me moral support and advice.
I feel  that I have done what I expected to do. Always, although I take the hard way, I will follow my heart. This year I have been true with myself.
Nevertheless I'm happy for my small achievements. In this last part of the year I egress my career and I will start to search one job.

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