Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Post 9: Year 2014: Good and Bad Points

Is true, we are approaching to the last part of this year and it's about time to make a sort of evaluation of 2014. This year has been full of mad things!. I can separate the aspects of life, for example, in work aspect, loving aspect, familiar aspect, etc.
About work aspect, in this year are have presented me some little opportunities and I try to take them. This year has been a really time to hard work and show my skills. Nobody says it was easy but from any point of view has been positive.
In relation to familiar aspect, we suffer a parting. It was necessary. The first half-year was horrible. A lot of problems. Thanks god that today everything has decanted and the family environments is quieter.
In a loving aspect, has been a whirlwind, many sorrows and few glories. I hope that this end in the last part of this year. I wish that in future everything is much clearer.
My friend aspect everything has been wonderful. They they care me in difficult times and give me moral support and advice.
I feel  that I have done what I expected to do. Always, although I take the hard way, I will follow my heart. This year I have been true with myself.
Nevertheless I'm happy for my small achievements. In this last part of the year I egress my career and I will start to search one job.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Post 8: Facebook

Hi, I will talk about the use of Facebook. I am a moderate user of Facebook. I really use Facebook to contact my friends, organize events and as a platform for my odd jobs. Sometimes my friends upload pictures with me and so I appear in these.

Well I prefer not use so much the Facebook because I don't like lose my privacy.
The bright side is, you can use a Facebook as a tool for contact friends, service, finds jobs, etc. The downside is you can lose your privacy, many company can follow you and to see all your content or you stay exposed to psychopath this is a complicated issue when the psychos follow to children!.

For another hand, now Facebook have a face detection, It can tag you of your pics, this is a little perturbing…
Other thing that perturbing me is the selfies!!! God, very vain people the fills my news of Facebook with their selfies!! Is horrible: selfies in the bathroom, selfies in the breakfast, food selfies!! Lots of crazy people! I like the pictures but other kinds of pictures. I dont like the selfies, is fool.
Another thing that I hate is the system of Facebook of put autoplay to the videos. Many people put videos about wars and thath is horrible. That system is very invasive, thaks god that I can block it.

Well, anyway I prefer to meet with my friends that stay front a pc using Facebook.