Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My favourite piece of technology.

My favourite piece of technology is my laptop. I never have one until one month ago when my parents give me one as a gift. I use it every day, generally I send and receive emails, play easy games, see my profile to facebook, to do homework’s too. I like it because I can carry out with me and make my job easier. I don’t really can imagine my life would be without it.
I suppose I feel very depressed.
My movilphone is very important to me too. I love to talk long time and to call to my mom, my boyfriend and to realize formalities calls. I really prefer to realize calls that to write message.
In general, I don’t like very much the technology but I have to use it and to know use to. Is very important in the actually.
Also, I think that one piece of technology as my laptop need internet if not don’t work very well. And if I have some of money to spend, I spend in clothes or travels, I don’t think in a piece of technology. But I could buy a solar panel for decrease the cost of life.